Thursday, March 27, 2008

When you combine potty training and Great Lent..

Johnny, yelling to me from the bathroom the other day,
"Mama, I went poo poo on the potty and Jesus died on the cross!!!"

I include this picture because if you look closely you see his chonies peeking out. Yep, he's potty trained. Hurray!
Also, it's his first time bowling and pretty darn cute.


Mimi said...

Hoooray indeed!

And, so cute!

Anonymous said...
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Bluecanopy said...

haha! hooray for undies! one less thing to pack!

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Heidi said...

so sweet!

The Caldwells said...

YEAH! We recently accomplished this stage as well. The potty part was near as hard as the poo-poo stage. It really looks nice on the grocery budget to only buy diapers (well, and pull-ups) for one kid now. 1 down, 1 to go! haha!

Lauren S. said...

yeah for potty trained kiddos! what bliss!

Anonymous said...

That is such a precious story.

How wonderful to know that Jesus is on him mind no matter "what" he is doing.

May you and Evan continue to plant God's word and HIs love, grace and majesty into the hearts of your children.
We love you! Nonnie and Poppie

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

woops...didn't mean to duplicate. sorry