It's about time I post something. First, I want to thank so many of you for your prayers, kind words and sympathy. We are doing a lot better. I still can't bring myself to throw away my positive pregnancy test and every now and then I find myself sobbing, espcecially at night, lying in bed,when I used to think a lot about what it was going to be like with two babies and I would come up with all sorts of fun scenarios. It was especially encouraging to hear from other women who have miscarried. It actually helped me to know that so many have gone through this and go on to have large families. Not to say, it isn't painful, though. I appreciate you all, and feel I have made new friends through this blog. I feel like my last post was my most personal. I guess my relationship with this blog is growing. Like with any relationship it takes time to build trust and I have to come to trust my friends here. I hope to be more open and honest and not just blog about the sugary happy stuff. Because, Lord knows, there's more to my life than that.
I've really had a hard time coming up with something to blog about. Then last night I was doing the dishes thinking about better ways I can help Johnny when we are in church. In the Orthodox Church the babies and children stay for the Liturgy. In our church the older children go to Sunday School after communion. Our church is very tolerating of the babies and we have quite a few of them now. Johnny is the oldest of the baby bunch and the first to be walking. I feel like all eyes are on me when he cries because he wants to run around or starts babbling and talking really loud. Anyways, as I was thinking about all this, I realized what better place to bring this up than my blog. I would LOVE to know what ways you take care of your children while in Liturgy. What boundaries you set, do you let them bring books, toys..? Do you let them walk around? What has worked and what hasn't?? I just think we can learn so much from other moms. Even if we don't take the advice it gives us ideas to ponder and sometimes I just need a different angle on things.
Okay, now I need to post a picture of my son, because, although, I feel this blog has evolved into something else, originally it was set up for his grandparents and a few other admirers. Like I said, he is walking all over the place these days and such a silly kid. He absolutely loves to be read to and when we aren't reading to him he sits at his bookshelf and flips through all the books. Animals are also a favorite. He makes the sound for elephants, fish, dogs, cats, cows, rhinos ( we guessed on that one) and ducks. He loves water, and whether it be a in the tub or the pool he calls it "baf" (bath) I met up with my sister and her family at the beach recently and Johnny had so much fun in the "baf". So, here he is at the beach with his cousin and looking cool in his hat, right before he took it off.