Tuesday, May 30, 2006

At last....

Gosh, it's hard to know where to begin. My absence from blogging has been because there is just a whole lot going on these days. All good ( except for some minor illnesses that have slowed me down a bit), but busy. One of the exciting changes is that we have moved. It is our eighth move in our six years of marriage. Sheesh, you would think we would be used to it by now, or atleast really good at it, we are neither. For the last six months we were living with some family friends of my husband. Evan had his college degree but finding the job that goes with it was a 18 month. struggle. Finally, he got a job in the northern part of San Diego county. After a few weeks of a nightmare commute, we decided to move up closer to his work, which also happens to be closer to our church. We found a lovely duplex and we are settling in nicely. It is walking distance to Evans' job, the farmers market, and the cute old dowtown. It is also walking distance to one of my close friends. God is good. We are very grateful for the job and our home. Here are a few pictures from around the house.

Johnny and I just returned from our roadtrip with my sister up north. She came down south for a relatives baby shower and I rode back home with her. We spent the week together and it was so good to get to watch our children play and see her new house and visit good ol' Chico, where I lived before I got married. She even let me borrow her car and drive down to Davis to visit Johnny's godparents and their daughter Grace. I just realized how great it is that we have so many different places to go where we are welcomed with open arms. We flew home on Sunday, I actually found the hour and half flight with the baby more stressful than the nine hour drive with three kids. It's good to be home and with Evan. He was sorely missed.

Last, but not at all least, we found out this week we are going to be godparents to beautiful twin sisters. We have also been asked to be sponsors for the parents. We feel so privileged and are excited about the upcoming ceremonies and celebrations. Here are my precious goddaughters to be.

Well, the pause in my day is over and my sweet son has awakened. Sharing all this news has left me with a refreshed perspective and a very thankful heart. Gotta go!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Celebrate Evan!

Happy Birthday, Ev and many years!!
I love you, all 29 years of you.