Tuesday, February 19, 2008

a first..

Pearl is getting a little too big for her tummy tub (sigh). We put her in the bath with Johnny last night. She was pretty excited about the whole thing and she was extremely slippery. I am enjoying seeing them play as much as they really can at this point. What I really love is that he genuinely enjoys her. As challenging as it can be to raise multiple children, it's really beautiful to watch them and realize that they will have each other forever. I pray for wisdom in guiding their relationship to be one of lasting friendship and support.


Anonymous said...

I agree, it is such a blessing to have multiple children. I love watching my boys interact and now to see how Emma is going to fit in as she gets older. Children are such a gift/blessing from the Lord!!!!

RainaRo said...

they are the cutest!!! I can't wait to see you guys in a few days!

Rose Starr said...

Amen! Seeing our kids enjoy one another, play together, giggle with each other, help each other, have compassion...it's amazing and a true blessing to be a mother!

melissa said...

It only gets better and more fun! My girls are inseperable (sp?)! I think having Luciana home these last two years verses being in school has helped to strengthen that bond. Once they start school they begin being seperated by age for years to come. Love the pics!