Monday, September 08, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

I wrote the following a couple months ago when I was trying to play catch up with this blog. I never meant to neglect it for so long. I decided to just go ahead and post this even though it seems so irrelevant now and I meant to include lots of pictures but I just want to get this posted and move on to the present. Hopefully, I can get back in the swing of things and make blogging part of my life again. I've missed it and my friends out there.

I have bloggers block, apparently. Summer has come and almost gone (although we still have a couple hot months left in Southern California) and I have hardly posted a thing. I could blame it on Johnny and Pearl not napping as well these days, or Evan being in school and have side projects which mean he is on the computer or I could just say it's been a very busy summer with lots of birthdays, family events and visits with friends. To say, I've just been busy would be a lie. I have just felt very blah. My passion, excitement for things is just not there. We have had some disappointments the past few months and I have been struggling, no, drowning in discontent. Avoiding my blog has not helped me because blogging usually allows me to reflect a little on my days and reminds me of all the blessed things in my life and how much I really have to say thank you for. Instead, though, my head has been stuck in this place where all I see is what I don't have and how unfair it is. It has been pretty consuming. Sick, huh? I say all this because I didn't want to just come back with a picture of my kid and or cute little antidote. I need this place to be a little more honest than that. I've been holding so much in and I have finally opened up and confessed these thoughts and feelings to God, to my priest, to Evan. So, I now I am going to let out a big SIGH to have gotten that off my back and tell you about the things I should have been reflecting on the past few months because there really have been fun, good things happening in our life.
-Pearl turned ONE!

Pearl is a light, she makes everyone around her smile. When we are out she will stare someone down and even holler at them just so she can look them in the eye and give them a big grin and a wave. It's really great to see Johnny enjoying her more, too. He thinks she's really funny and they will sit and just laugh at each other. Music to my ears.
- Our goddaughters came to town. (as well as their awesome parents)We had so much fun seeing the girls. We hate that they live so far but their visit was a big highlight of our summer.
-My family visited and we took a trip to Sea world. Oh, so fun. I have a pass now, so, if any of you have Sea World plans I'd love to meet up with you!
Other than that time was spent with our godson and family who happen to be Johnny's godparents. Lots of trips to the beach, various pools and parks.
It was fun but I am so ready for fall!


Jules said...

Yay for the return of Annie and her words. I missed you!

Joanna said...

YAY!!!! I have been thinking about you soooo much lately!!! Glad you are back!!! :)

Heidi said...

so nice to have you back!

Mimi said...

Whohooooo! You are back!

The Saunders said...

Welcome back. We want to see you soon. Love you.

Bluecanopy said...

welcome back...i always appreciate your realness. discontentment is a weight indeed, you're not alone there.

good to hear from you and see what you're all up to.