Friday, November 07, 2008

Cute pictures from my least favorite Holiday

I am always torn about how to approach Halloween in our house, especially since Evan and I both grew up only attending church alternatives to the "evil" day. For now we've decided to not spend a lot of money and not make a big deal about but just let Johnny dress up and have a little fun. We had a lot of fun. Our neighborhood is so friendly and has all these adorable old homes and I just love the excuse trick or treating provides to look into each one and see all the character and different styles of decor. Johnny just loved getting all that candy!
We made Johnny's costume this year. ( I say we because Evan did everything from sew the collar to hand paint the spinach can) Can you tell who he is?? All the adults knew but very few kids recognized him. Pearls costume was a hand me down I've had for years. She was supposed to be a ladybug but she wouldn't wear the hood and everyone thought she was a strawberry.

Grandma came trick or treating with us!

Johnny owned that costume, he WAS Popeye. Maybe I should say, he IS Popeye because he has been wearing the hat nearly everyday since and would have the pipe in his mouth at all times if I let him. (he is holding his spinach felt and donning the hat as I type)


melissa said...

we're the same way regarding this holiday. We keep it short, simple and sweet.
It's way too much fun letting your kids play dress up and get some candy.

By the time our girls are old enough to understand the pagan aspect they will be too old to be trick or treating and will enjoy giving treats to the neighborhood kids.

It really should be a little kids holiday anyway ...the people who make it creepy tend to be the older kids that really should not be asking for candy.

I intend to put one of those height signs like they have at amusement parks in my yard...only it will say "You must be under this height to trick or treat at this house" :)

annie said...

We think a like! I told Evan I was going to turn away big kids who were dressed too scary, since I wanted to let Johnny give out candy. We didn't get any trick or treaters so I didn't have to go through with it.

kenny said...

brilliant!. a height requirement. I mean I love the idea of all ages taking time to dress up. Halloween is right below Christmas for my favorite holiday., so i don't like discouraging te big kids fromplaying too but... that is funny.

melissa said...

i know it sounds silly and a bit mean but these 8th graders and highschoolers who show up in NO costume typically or even worse in some insanely scary one that they love frightening little children with all the while with a walmart bag held out in front of them asing for candy. Ooooh it annoys me to no end!

hahaha...Obviously I am passionate about this :)

Trick or treating is HUGE in my neighborhood. I've had to kick big kids out of my yard for lurking around to frighten the little ones.

Another big issue are the mom's who show show up with their 2 week old baby and say "Trick or Treat" It drives me bonkers...thus the sign idea.

Maybe i need to get over it show a little more grace. WWJD :)

annie said...

Just let it out, Melissa, let it all out.

Melissa Lee Photography said...

lol! thanks annie :)

Melissa Lee Photography said...

oops! That was me, I forgot to log in under my other blogger account.

bath mate said...
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