Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Please pray for my cousin, Jesse. He got off work in downtown LA early this morning and was at a drive thru window when a woman approached him and shot him 4-6 times. Amazingly, he is alive but is in surgery. Please pray for his pregnant wife, two young daughters, mother and father and his entire family who love him and are worried sick about him right now.


Joanna said...


Mimi said...

Lord have Mercy! WHAT is this world coming to?

My prayers.

Lauren S. said...

Lord have mercy. That is so terrible.

Nathan said...


you are all in my prayers

carol shackelford

Xenia Kathryn said...

My goodness, how awful. Prayers indeed!

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy! Praying for him and his family.

Munkee said...

Lord have mercy.

Jules said...

We are praying for them.

Bluecanopy said...

How awful. I will be praying.