Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've been including this prayer in my morning prayers recently and thought it would be appropriate to share it today.

I bind unto myself today
The power of God to hold and lead,
His eye to watch, His might to stay,
His ear to hearken to my need.
The wisdom of my God to teach,
His hand to guide, His shield to ward;
The word of God to give me speech,
His heavenly host to be my guard.

Christ, be with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie, Christ when I sit, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me,
Salvation is of the Lord,
Salvation is of the Christ,
May your salvation, O Lord, be ever with us.
-St. Patrick

Who knew such beautiful words came from a man most just associate with green beer and good luck?!
We did have a little fun with the day, though. We wore green and went to one of our favorite parks for a picnic lunch.
Sadly, this is the only picture I have to prove it. :)


Joanna said...

That is what half of the pictures of my kiddos look like!! :) (one w/ a funny face... and the other two looking away)

Mimi said...

I'm with Joanna, most of our photos look like that too!

Holy St. Patrick, pray to God for us.

The Saunders said...

beautiful prayer and I think green is a good color on your kiddos :)

Munkee said...

We used to sing this, in a much longer version, as Anglicans. It is one of the most interesting musical arrangements I've experienced.

Holy Hierarch Patrick, Pray to God for us.

bath mate said...
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