Friday, September 21, 2007

Pearl at Five Weeks..

...Is giving very sweet smiles when we work really hard for them.

...Is growing some cute, squishy cheeks that seem to get bigger by the day.

...Loves her big brother.

I admire all of you bloggers who write with wit and intelligence. Detailing your days, your thoughts and opinions. For now, I am just posting pics of the kids. It's about all I can manage these days. I know this will pass, I am hoping that the books I plan to to begin reading this weekend will inspire some good posts. We shall see. Oh! In exciting news, I am being churched this Saturday evening. I am really looking forward to getting back to Liturgy and introducing her to our church family. Happy weekend to all!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Our baby girl..

Whew. What a few weeks it's been! I finally feel close to normal and we adjusting to our family of four pretty well. Johnny loves his little sister who he usually calls her "Pearly" or "Pearl Alittlebit". I guess Elizabeth does sound an awful lot like a little bit. I call her that now,as well. It's just too cute. Pearl was 4 weeks old yesterday and she is such a sweetheart. I am surprised by how attached she already is to me and she is oh, so snuggly which I just love! She is eating and sleeping great and I am once again so thankful that nursing has been going so well. I try not to take that for granted anymore. I've been wanting to post my birth story for some time. I actually began writing it days after she was born while it was all still fresh in my mind.I am still in shock at how easily she came into our lives. I went into labor at four in the morning on Monday. Honestly, when I felt that first contraction I wanted to cry. It came after a difficult few days of Johnny being sick and sleeping with us everynight, as well as me starting to feel under the weather. When I knew that it was indeed labor and wasn't going away I stood in front of our icons and prayed for mercy and strength to get me through because I was already so tired. I called Evan's mom around 4:30 am to let her know so that she could come be with Johnny, then I called my midwife to let her know I was in labor. I never questioned whether or not we should go in, I just knew things were progressing rather quickly. Around 5 am, when contractions were strong enough that I needed to focus, Johnny woke up and came downstairs and snuggled on my lap. Not the most comfortable thing, but I clearly remember thinking, "enjoy this moment..". A little after six Evan and I were on the road making the 45 minute drive to Hillcrest where the birth center is located. We didn't hit any traffic and we actually got there before the midwife. I had to sit on a cold cement bench through about six more contraction before she arrived and I was so glad to see her. I've found with both of my births that I am most comfortable and progress well in a rocking chair through my difficult contractions, so I began to rock. Evan rubbed my feet, held my hand and was just there right where I needed him to be. My midwife checked me at 7 am and I was at 4 cm. She checked me at 8 am and I was at 5cm. One hour later, I was ready to push. My prayers for mercy and strength were truly answered and two hours after I arrived at the birth center and only a few good pushes Pearl was born. I had planned to deliver in the water but when midwife checked me when I was at 6cm, my water broke and immediately her head descended and I was ready to push. She came out screaming and she wasn't the only one! Pushing a baby out that quickly is incredibly intense. Fortunately, I had minimal tearing and felt really good almost immediately after. She weighed 7 lbs. 11oz and was just under 22inches long. At her one week appointment her weight was up to 8lbs 4oz and at her two week she was 8 lbs. 12 oz. I am sure she is well over 9 lbs. by now. I just love seeing those little rolls pop up here and there. Despite the difficulties of this past couple weeks and all the attention Johnny has needed, I still feel very bonded with my baby girl. It is also seemed to make Evan and Johnny a lot closer and I think Johnny has come to find more comfort from his Papa.
Anyways, there are some of the details for those who are interested. Now here are some recent pictures of Pearly. We were so happy when her cord dried and we could start using the tummy tub again. She really seems to enjoy it and it mellows her out in the evenings which seem to be her fussy time. Ain't she sweet!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Look Who's Feeling Good!

Good enough to play in the sandbox his Grandpa made for him.

Good enough to enjoy his new little sister and let Mama take pictures of it.

Thank you all for your prayers and concern. It is so good to have our happy, sweet, active boy back. The lack of sleep from the past week was catching up with me. I realized this when I found this note on my car windshield after a quick trip to the mall with the kids...

I came home and put Johnny down for his nap and then I fell asleep nursing Pearl. I awoke to find Evan home for lunch who informed me that I had left my keys in the front door. Yikes.
But, like I said, we are ALL recovered now. We've even gotten to enjoy some of the tantrums I spoke of in a previous post. Johnny is pretty emotional but overall doing great with the baby. Pearl is as sweet as can be and has been very easy on us so far. I'll have more to say about her later, it's bedtime.