Monday, August 30, 2010

Watch out, Kindergarten!

Yes, I cried. No, he didn't. Our city offers an amazing school called Classical Academy and I am so excited that Johnny gets to be a part of it. He will attend class at school every Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday and Thursday I will teach him at home using the same curriculum and web based programs they have provided. Friday's we will have some home lessons as well as elective classes at school. They offer things like cooking, fencing, swimming, languages, etc.. It's the perfect mix for me, I wasn't completely decided on homeschooling because I know my son and I know how much he LOVES being in a classroom setting with lots of kids and lots of stimulation. I am so glad that he can have both! It's been a little stressful getting my school area set up and feeling organized and capable. ( I don't yet) I know this will be so good for me and my relationship with him and I am excited over how much Pearl will be getting out of it too. She's been participating in his home lessons and loves it, so far. It was hard to leave him this morning knowing I won't be picking him up until 2:30, I know he'll do great, though. He loves to learn, he loves to play and meet new friends and he is one excited student.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Who you calling semi-precious?

It sure isn't this Pearl. She is one of a kind and priceless! Her birth was fast and furious and she continues to live life that way. She is always ready to try something new whether it be food or friends. Pearl, you keep me on my toes and that is a good thing. I love how independent and spunky you are. ( but you will always get in trouble when you beat up your brother so, STOP IT!)

I love this sweet girl and this sweet girl loves cake!




Friday, August 20, 2010

Can it be?

Has it really been five years since I first met this sweet boy? He came into the world sucking his thumb (seriously, thumb was in his mouth while I was pushing him out) and he cried for just a second then just stared at my face and made the cutest little noises. It was one of the best moments in my life. Johnny, you continue to bring me the best moments in my life. I love you so, you big five year old, you!